So as many readers may be aware, there's been a rather large shake-up in the Canadian government in the last few months. Stephen Harper, the Conservative prime minister, has inspired very little confidence with his economic policies and as a result the opposition announced he would be removed from office and they would form a coalition government in his place, likely with Michael Ignatieff as its head. This is an unsurprisingly controversial move, since Canada has no real history of coalition government and the only way to make it a real majority coalition is to involve the Bloc Quebecois, who the conservatives suggest would tear the country apart with their seperatist leanings. But where there is controversy, there are rallies, and as it so happens one of them happened literally in my backyard.
Of course I went, and I borrowed my roommate's camera. (Thanks Bojan!) Here is the afternoon in images:

Fig 1.1
A first take. The building in the background is city hall.
A first take. The building in the background is city hall.

Fig 1.3
Mathematics, once again obscuring as much as it reveals. Thanks math.
Party Bigwigs also made appearances:
Mathematics, once again obscuring as much as it reveals. Thanks math.
Party Bigwigs also made appearances:

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