Monday, September 8, 2008


Just like last Saturday, I woke up this morning to the sound of booming megaphoned voices coming down the street. Staggering to the window, I peered out to see, again just like last week, large crowds gathered, signs hoisted high and banners waving. A rally, for what I don't know. Last week it was labor day. Today, I imagine it will be about the upcoming elections spurred by the United States continued economic stupidity. It's not that I'm unhappy to be here to see this; so often the foreign impact of the U.S.'s economic decisions is given a paragraph at the end of the coverage of its domestic impact, and duh, these things are important to understand. It's just that I didn't need to get up at 9:30 to hear it. (It's currently shifted over to a soul singer. Bizzarre.)

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